Note the pretentious setting: piano surrounded by candles, presumably scented with jasmine. Note the initial “Delta playing piano” section to demonstrate that Delta can indeed play the piano. Note the movement into farce half way through as she steps away from the piano (even through inexplicably the piano somehow keeps playing), walks to centre stage and deploys some vintage Kate Bush theatrical dancing that veers awfully close to Mr. G. Note also that she cannot hit the high notes. And note ALSO that this most theatrical of lovesongs is about The Poo, possibly the dimmest man alive, as the exquisite Age of Love reality show proved.
She wants to be sugar-sweet, but she’s part of the fame machine: I don’t technically have a problem with plastic surgery unless it's systematically concealed and written off as natural beauty (“I’ve discovered yoga”, “I’ve lost my puppy fat”). This makes other people feel bad and entrenches generic beauty codes. Particularly for Delta who has legions of 4 year olds following her every move, her transformation into Malibu Barbie seems a bit jarring. The photos do not lie [although for legal reasons they are perhaps misleading]. Delta has had [seems to have had] one (or two) nose jobs, which provides more evidence of tension between her quest for artistic credibility and her counter-tendency towards lowest common-denominator conventionality. It’s kind of like Tori Amos getting botox, although at least she had the courage to admit to a bit of “feng shui of the face”.

Compelling? And for even more evidence...
She should stop shoving her relationship with Brian McFadden in our faces: That’s right. Some of my best friends are married. I don’t have a problem with marriage. But I don’t have to see it every day. Keep it to yourselves, keep it in the bedroom.
Trying to utterly sound like a fan forum bitch...
Have you seen how many ads she's been doing lately?
The face of Sunsilk...
Sanitarium "So Goodrem"...
I'm also over her overexposure with Brian. Next up will be exclusive photos of their 'Secret' wedding, and baby miscarriage shock!...(which a double page 'New Idea' spread will later reveal was due to an undiagnosed eating disorder).
It wouldn't surprise me if her and Brian featured in an ad together as a saccharine happy couple, pimping their way through product endorsements whilst they can.
Maybe the music isn't bringing home the bacon?
Mama Delta needs her preventative botox...
How tasteless if they did an ad together -- very Jordan and Peter Andre. Almost as tasteless as leaking those "paparazzi" shots of Delta and Brian pashing their way through Bali. Keep it in the bedroom... keep it away from my Innocent Eyes.
Where's the scandal about how he left Kerry Katona to spiral into her massive coke habit and abandoned his two young daughters to run off with Delta??!!
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