- Proceedings started dubiously with a series of people with disabilities performing circus tricks. On one level empowering to see such amazing physical achievements, but then, this is the opening of the 'Circus' tour. I'm not sure Britters' fully thought through the cultural baggage attached to that...
- Rather than dancing per se, Britters' tended to strut, shake her shoulders and point to the ground, all the while lazily miming. As in opening and shutting her mouth with no apparent relation to the words...
- Occasionally you'd lose her on the stage, and then realise the person you thought was a slightly tipsy backup dancer was actually the star.
- The show had no taste or subtlety. Even William Baker's efforts on costume design seemed tainted by tack.
- Each tack sounded the same. The show was relentless. Tim fell asleep.
- Many 12 year old girls were in attendence. They took over the men's toilets, leading to an unfortunate experience in which I was literally urinating in front of 12 year old girls.
- She didn't bother performing 3, the single she was, like, promoting.
- Britney Spears has absolutely no star quality in the flesh. The end.

The 'Spiritual' section...
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