With flexible government working arrangements, it can.
But nonetheless, as the clock ticks towards my return to "The Bureaucracy", the need grows to document the frivolous and pointless. A few more things:
1. Natalie Bassingthwaite has debuted at no.1!! End of days? Or an extension of the unexplained popularity of Human Nature et al and their banal cover albums. Being a cover album, they at least had the luxury of choosing kind-of decent songs (although presumably cheap, cheap, cheap kind-of decent songs). But Nat's do actually sound like Rogue Traders off-cuts, which is a very confronting concept. Maybe she represents the triumph of careerism after-all... the Tracy Flick approach to stardom?
2. Ellen Degeneres is 51!? I find this hard to accept... and makes me realise how old Madonna seems through trying to seem young. I should remember this in 20 years time (and opt-out of the obvious path towards Madonna-style ageing that lies before me??)
3. I love Joy Behar from The View for bringing up the issue of gay teen suicide. She would be my ideal hip New York aunt.
4. And finally, I often forget about this, but Holly Valance's absolutely disasterous second album kick-off single really was very, very good. And I love her humourless donning of a Ramones t-shirt.
One of us! One of us!
But I never left you...
A couple of things. I LOVE that flow chart. You should make a hard copy and pin it above your desk to always remember to fripp...(to fripperate?). Also, yes! That Holly V song rocks - I remember loving it at the time. The Ramones tee threatening to show side-boob at any moment, the flipping-of-the-bird to those damn preppy girls, the rock out bits. Excellent. Only moment on concern is when she is rolling around on that floor - you know it's not a real club then cos not even the dirtiest girls get on those sticky floors. Ewww. (and - as a completely unrelated aside - does anyone else wonder about these word verifications? I'm about to type 'eluxest'...?!)
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