This snuck up on me... Had no idea opening night was upon us. Hard to gauge from photos alone, but they don't look promising. Despite Jamie King at the reigns (Confessions creative director), Britters' tours are always a bit crass, if you ask me. Aside from a sense that she's melting down throughout, they normally evoke Janet Jackson Rythm Nation era, but with a touch of the Mickey Mouse club. Very robotic and saccharine. And this is nitpicking, but she always does this ridiculous dance move where she struts forward, and points each arm out in either direction making some kind of "hey" gesture, as in the bottom part of the image below...

ok I take that back - the 4th pic is HIDEOUS! and the costumes are such Kylie rip-offs!
total kylie rip offs. And she just can't pull it off like La Minogue. But maybe she can just have Baker now and K can move on???
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