Aside from being greeted by bumblebee#2 on the 96 ("buzzing along", with luxurious seating, a touch of French flair, and none of that Siemens teeth-grinding shudder), what also made me happy today was my wealth of new music. Particularly:
I'm loving Yes so far, but particularly this... No one does sentimentality like the PSB, and this definitely feels like a return to form. Even with some cutely naff PSB rhyming ("pain", "rain"), its polished yearning for the past gives me goosebumps. And I think working with Xenomania has been a really good move -- they haven't thrown away their sound, and it feels nicely fresh.
If I was working for Kylie's team, I would be very worried that I've decided not to buy her new remix album. I AM her core audience, and if I turn my back it's a very bad sign, unless she can win over some of the more vapid drones on her forums. But I did download this... I initially loved Boombox because I thought the lyric was "give me OCD", which would have been *wicked*, but I think it's actually "give me your CD". Oh well. But hearing K mouth the words "Let it drop, make it rock", as improbable as that is, has a certain magic to it. I really, really want her to be hardcore. The lyric also formed one of the best bits of KylieX2008, in the first section of the following, before Can't Get You Out of My Head:
Then there's Jenny Wilson which I'm still getting my head around, Animal Collective and Fever Ray, courtesy of Elanor, but that's not for here. All of which provides a pleasant buffer from boring things like divisional restructures, standard deviations and plumbing.
Ooooh I like it and I'm buying it (can you actually buy a hardcopy here or is it all import or digital?!). I love how it's about 5 songs in one. And, I agree, the OCD lyric would have been a thrill... I think you are falling off the wagon my friend! Am I going to have to go on being a fanatic on my own?!! I just put my CDs into some sort of order (a massive achievement I've been meaning to attempt for awhile) and discovered that I have two copies of Impossible Princess, two of Fever and both the original and the tour eds of X. Plus numerous singles. So why wouldn't I buy Boombox? I couldn't not... (but I won't be picking up Invert Men or whatever it's called, that's true). Oh, and bless the little fan who painstakingly made that clip for Bbx - dedication!!!
And the clip is ace!! If you just used those hooded bits from the In My Arms vid, you'd have had a much better clip...
I totes agree. The hood, glasses and pink lips look is FIERCE. I think I shall wear a version to the next dress-like-a-pop-idol party. Quick - have one!!
And yet more evidence that she needs short hair and not bodgy hair extensions!!
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